The Light Unto the Nations Institute
By the Grace of G-d
is Fundraising for 100 Million Dollars until end of 2024
The World Center of Expertise in the Universal Code of Ethics for Humanity
King David World Peace Center Jerusalem Office
and Hadera Academy / Retreat Center
In order to ensure :
Security for Jews in Israel and abroad;
To eradicate anti-Semitism;
To fulfil the Jewish People's Purpose in this world: to be a Light Unto the Nations.
From Zion Shall Go Forth Torah
200 Divine Code Books Campaign
Since September 2018 we opened the King David World Peace Visitors Center at the entrance of King David’s Tomb.
10,000 tourists in average, come daily, from all over the world to visits King David’s Tomb.
King David is one of most influential figures in Judaism and inspires for the last 3000 years Jews to come every day from all over the world to Jerusalem to pray and recite Psalms by his Tomb.
Mission Statement: We are a non-profit organization (legally incorporated in Israel and the USA) providing Jewish Universal Torah Ethical education both for Jews and Gentiles, improving the understanding and the relationship between Israel, the Jewish People and the Nations of the world (contributing to fighting antisemitism through education).
We achieve this through daily interaction with tourists in Israel, local conferences, audio-visual experiences, online courses, world-wide books & food support campaigns and more.
Thus, our overall goal and mission is that all humankind will be openly connected by their common moral responsibility to their Creator. This opportunity for unity promotes peace and harmony among all people, with all doing their part to achieve the ultimate good: “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of G-d as water covers the sea-bed” (Isaiah 11:9).
We currently have 2 rooms with capacity for 45 people each.
Room 1: World Peace Center - This is an Audio-Visual Media Center and Expo on the Universal Peace Guidelines as well as containing a special designed Throne of King David.
Room 2: Psalms Room – This is a room with a 3000-year-old secret well built during King David’s reign, as well as a unique Psalms Book with 150 unique world-renowned artists illustrations etc.
Raised $1850 of $5,200 Goal
Campaign Supporting the King David World Peace Visitors Center in Jerusalem
Thank you to our 76 Supporters
© 5780 / 2020 Light Unto the Nations Global Group at the King David World Peace Center -
Maalei Shazach 1, Mount Zion - Jerusalem ISRAEL. All Rights Reserved. Tel:.+972-2-5609887