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Noahide Fellowship

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At the time I believed in the truth and left the church and false religions, I felt happy to know the truth and grow my personal relationship with Hashem, but there is a difficulty we face from the psychological and social aspect because we were in the church community attending prayer and praise meetings and we have many friends there... and this is what we miss. When we become children of Noah. Because sometimes we feel lonely, especially in countries where there are no people who believe in the Torah. I don't know what to do about it, and I wish I knew how to deal with the feeling of loneliness and alienation.

Sarah Collins
Sarah Collins
Nov 01, 2023

Yes i think this is true but that is also the negative aspect.

The more positive way of looking at the situation is that you are an early adapter/ an intrepid explorer/ one of the first amongst what will eventually become many. When, G-d Willing, everyone jumps on board in a few/ number of years you will have the joy of knowing you have been there doing the harder toil and laying the groundwork for those who will follow.

When I look at The Divine Code and realise the people who compiled it and brought it into being are Actually Still Alive Today!!! and i could in theory message and speak to and possibly even meet them one day - actually learn from the actual Rabbis who wrote this book- I am overwhelmed with excitement and this far, far outweighs any feelings of loneliness or not belonging I have got from leaving the church.

This is, sorry to be a little tactless, not a reality which will be available to many Noahides in the future so we should focus on this tremendous opportunity which is available to us and make the most of it.


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