Is there a Difference in forbidden relations with a Jew or non-Jew?
Daily Study of the Noahide Code of Laws
The Divine Code for January 18, 2023
Today: Pages 421 - 422
Topic Chapter 3:9 - 3:10
There is a difference in the sin of adultery when a non-Jew has forbidden relations with a non-Jew or with a Jewess.
For example:
A non-Jew is only liable for a capital sin of adultery with another man's non-Jewish wife if he (the adulterer) has normal relations with her (see topic 3:1). On the other hand, if the married woman is a Jewess, he is liable even if he cohabits with her in in an abonormal way, as is the Torah's law for Jews.
Reading schedule of the Divine Code
Yesterday's Study Topic: 3:6 - 3:8
Tomorrow's Study Topic: 3:11 - 3:13
Curious about the whole page? You can read it in The Divine Code.
Sources: The Divine Code (4e edition) by rabbi Moshe Weiner
Angelique Sijbolts is one of the main writers for the website. She contributes for the admin of the website in English and Dutch. She teaches Hebrew to beginners and intermediate students at the Academy.
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