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Soumar Sharoukh from Syria, Former salafi mu'slim Comes Back to Torah and Judaism

The Noahide Academy Weekly Podcast Series: With Soumar Sharoukh from Syria

From Syria to Israel: The Journey of Soumar

In a world often divided by religious and ideological boundaries, the story of Soumar Sharoukh stands as a beacon of hope and understanding. Born and raised in Damascus, Syria, Soumar's life journey from a devout salafi mu'slim to embracing Torah and Judaism is a testament to the power of seeking truth and spiritual fulfillment. In a recent live interview, we had the privilege to delve into Soumar's experiences, his challenges, and the revelations that led him back to the roots of faith in Torah and Judaism.


Growing Up in Damascus

Soumar Sharoukh was born into a traditional Muslim family in Damascus, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. His upbringing was steeped in the practices and teachings of Islam, specifically within the Salafi tradition, known for its strict adherence to the original practices of the early Muslim community. Soumar recalls his childhood as one filled with religious instruction and a deep sense of community.

"Growing up in Damascus, religion was not just a part of life; it was life itself. Our daily routines, our festivals, our very worldview were all shaped by Islamic teachings," Soumar shared. The young Soumar was diligent in his religious studies, quickly gaining recognition for his knowledge and dedication.


A Devout salafi mu'slim

As a salafi mu'slim, Soumar's life was guided by a literal interpretation of the qu'ran and Hadith. He was taught to view the world through the lens of his faith, often perceiving other religions with skepticism. "We were taught that Islam was the final and complete revelation, and that other religions, including Judaism and ch'ristianity, were outdated or corrupted," he explained.

Despite his devout adherence to sa'lafi is'lam, Soumar began to feel an unsettling dissonance. "There were aspects of the teachings that troubled me, especially the narratives of intolerance and hatred towards those of different faiths. It didn't resonate with the idea of a loving and merciful Creator."



A Quest for Truth

Soumar's journey towards Torah and Judaism began with a profound internal struggle. He started questioning the doctrines he had been taught and sought to understand the broader context of religious teachings. "I realized that true faith should bring us closer to the divine and to each other as human beings, not further apart," he reflected.

His quest for truth led him to study other religious texts, including the Torah. The more he delved into these ancient scriptures, the more he felt a connection. "The Torah spoke to me in ways the qu'ran never did. It was like finding a missing piece of my spiritual puzzle."


Discovering the Torah

Through rigorous study and soul-searching, Soumar discovered the beauty and depth of the Torah. He was particularly moved by its emphasis on justice, compassion, and the sanctity of life. "The Torah's teachings on kindness, charity, and the pursuit of peace resonated deeply with me. It offered a vision of a world where faith could be a source of unity and goodness."

Soumar's growing affinity for Judaism was not just an intellectual journey but a deeply spiritual one. He began to see Torah as not merely a set of laws, but as a guide to living a life of purpose and meaning.

A Path Back to the Source

Embracing Torah and Judaism was not an easy path for Soumar. It meant leaving behind not just his previous faith, but also his community and, to some extent, his family. "It was the hardest decision of my life, but also the most liberating. I felt like I was coming back to my true spiritual home," he said.

Soumar's transition was marked by both challenges and profound spiritual experiences. He found solace in the Jewish community, who welcomed him with open arms and helped him navigate his new faith. "The sense of belonging and the spiritual fulfillment I found in Judaism was beyond anything I had ever experienced."


Soumar Sharoukh's journey from Damascus to Torah is a powerful story of faith, courage, and the relentless pursuit of truth. His life serves as an inspiration to all who seek spiritual fulfillment and understanding across religious divides. Soumar's message is clear: "True faith is about love, compassion, and the quest for truth. It is about finding our way back to the source, to the divine essence that connects us all."

In sharing his story, Soumar hopes to inspire others to seek their own paths with open hearts and minds, and to find the divine spark within themselves and others.


Rabbi Moshe Perets is the President of the Noahide Academy of Israel, Founder and Executive Director of, the world’s largest Noahide informational website. He accomplished his Rabbinical Studies at the Chabad Yeshiva and his medical studies at the University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium.

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David Keller
Jul 16

"What kind of G'd wants to bring the people by force, and not by love." That's a powerful statement and helped me a get a different glimpse of an understanding why G'd rules the world the way He does. It is us who have to turn back to G'd, and just as a tzaddik is someone to reach out to when one has a question, but otherwise they stay in the background, as it were, so G'd's presence is also most often felt in the background, and not the foreground. He does send Angels to allow us to operate in our everyday lives, but we do not always perceive His Hand very openly. Thank you very much for this great interview.

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