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Efraim van der Vennen
Noachitisch Ambassadeur
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Join date: Jan 6, 2019
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"De verborgene schatten; Hu Ha-Elokhim Zijn instructies geopenbaard voor ons en voor onze kinderen, tot in eeuwigheid, om uit te voeren."
(De tekst is geïnspireerd uit Deut. 29:29)
"The hidden treasures; Hu Ha-Elokhim His instructions revealed for us and for our children, for ever, to carry out."
(The text is inspired from Deut. 29:29)
- Blue Raising StarGot here and is ready to learn. Contributed with his personal questions.
- Student
- Noahide Ambassador
- Orach Chaim GraduateHas completed with Success the Orach Chaim Study Program of the Noahide Academy.
- Biblical HebrewStudied Hebrew to Read, Speak and Understand.
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Van der Vennen
Koningsakkers 22, Siddeburen, 9628EJ, NL
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