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Second Noahide Global Biblical Summit

dom., 11 de ago.


Zoom Noahide Academy Room

The World Noahide Community Coming Together

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Second Noahide Global Biblical Summit
Second Noahide Global Biblical Summit

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11 de ago. de 2024, 15:30 – 17:00

Zoom Noahide Academy Room


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The Third Jewish Temple

and the Noahides' Place in It

2nd Noahide Global Zoom Summit

Date: Sunday, August 11th

Time: 3:30 PM Israel Time / 8:30 AM EST

Platform: Zoom

Program Schedule:

3:30 PM (Israel) / 8:30 AM (EST) - Opening and Welcome

Host: Rabbi Moshe Perets: Director of the Noahide Academy of Israel

Welcome Address: Brief introduction of the summit, its objectives, and the topic of the Third Temple and Noahides' place in it.

3:40 PM (Israel) / 8:40 AM (EST) - Keynote Speech: "The Significance of the Third Temple in Jewish Tradition"

Speaker: Rabbi Moshe Perets

Content: Historical and spiritual importance of the Third Temple, its anticipated role, and the prophecies related to it.

4:00 PM (Israel) / 9:00 AM (EST) - Panel Discussion: "The Role of Noahides in the Era of the Third Temple"

Panelists: Rabbi Aaron Raskin, Rabbi Baruch Simcha, Rabbi Yehouda Cohen, Rabbi Assaf Studnitz

Rabbi Aaron Raskin: On the Structure of the Third Temple and the Place on Noahides in It.

Rabbi Baruch Simcha: On Zechariah 14:16 On the Noahides Participation in the Third Temple during Sukkot

Rabbi Yehouda Cohen: Isaiah 2:2-3 Isaiah’s Prophecy for the Temple for the Nations – My House shall be a House of Prayer for All Nations

Moderator: Leo Yuwono

Content: Discussion on how Noahides can contribute to and be a part of the vision of the Third Temple, including practical steps and spiritual preparation.

4:45 PM (Israel) / 9:45 AM (EST) - Special Guest Presentation: "Noahide Contributions to the Temple: Historical and Future Perspectives"

Special Guest: Rabbi Eli Turin

Content: Examination of historical contributions of Noahides to Jewish worship and what the future might hold.

5:05 PM (Israel) / 10:05 AM (EST) - Q&A Session

Moderated by: Leo Yuwono

Format: Attendees can submit questions via the Zoom chat feature. Selected questions will be addressed by the panelists and special guests.

5:25 PM (Israel) / 10:25 AM (EST) - Personal Stories: "Noahide Journeys and Aspirations towards the Third Temple"

Presenters: Selected Noahides: Yeshurun Nyongesa from Gambia, Patrick Cotroneo from Miami Florida, Ma Hong from China and Jeremy McMillan from North Carolina share their personal stories and what the Third Temple means to them.

Content: Inspirational stories highlighting the global reach and diversity of the Noahide movement.

6:00 PM (Israel) / 11:00 AM (EST) - Interactive Workshop: "Practical Steps for Noahides in Anticipation of the Third Temple"

Speaker: Rabbi Moshe Perets

Content: Practical advice and spiritual exercises for Noahides to engage with the concept of the Third Temple in their daily lives.

Content: Summary of key points discussed, encouragement for ongoing learning and community involvement, and closing blessings.

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