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Orach Chaim 2: Way of Life for Noahides (Level 2)

  • 39 שלבים
  • 39 משתתפים
כל מי שישלים את כל שלבי התוכנית יקבל תג.


תשלום אחד
‏480.00 ‏$
Master’s Degree
‏39.90 ‏$ / בשבוע + ‏25.00 ‏$ Administrative Fees


Course Title: Orach Chaim 2 – Way of Life: A 3-Month Study Program for Noahides Module 5 of the Master's Degree in Noahide Theology Course Description: This intensive 12-week module offers a structured study of "Orach Chaim 2 – Way of Life," one of the key cycles of Torah law study for Noahides, compiled by Rabbi Moshe Winer. As the fifth of the seven Torah law cycles applicable to Noahides, this course delves into the practical and spiritual dimensions of day-to-day Noahide life. It is designed to equip students with a deeper understanding of Torah laws, fostering their growth as Pious of the Nations (Chassid-Umot-HaOlam). Program Overview: Study Focus: The laws and practices outlined in "Orach Chaim 2," which pertain to the daily conduct and lifestyle of Noahides, addressing core elements of living a Torah-observant life. Related Cycles: This module follows "Orach Chaim 1" and is part of a broader curriculum that includes "Yoreh Deah 1 and 2," "Even HaEzer," and "Choshen Mishpat 1 and 2." Certification: Upon successfully completing the course and passing the final examination, students will receive an Orach Chaim 2 Certification, formally acknowledging them as graduates of the Torah Laws for Noahide Life (Orach Chaim 2). This certification confers upon the graduate the Torah status of a Chassid-Umot-HaOlam, recognizing them as a Pious of the Nations, fully integrated into Jewish society. This status holds significance within Jewish communities worldwide, including neighborhoods in Israel, and particularly when the laws of Yovel are active. This study program is ideal for advanced Noahides seeking a comprehensive understanding of their role and responsibilities in accordance with Torah law, guiding them toward a righteous, spiritually fulfilling life in alignment with Jewish values and traditions.

אתם יכולים להצטרף לקורס הזה גם מהאפליקציה לנייד. עברו אל האפליקציה




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