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Torah's Universal Ethics 101: Guidelines for Humanity

  • 13 שלבים
  • 48 משתתפים
משלימים את התוכנית ומקבלים תעודה.
כל מי שישלים את כל שלבי התוכנית יקבל תג.


תשלום אחד
‏79.90 ‏$
2 תכניות זמינות
החל מ- ‏29.90 ‏$ / בחודש


Course Overview: Explore the foundational ethical principles that guide human conduct from a Torah perspective in this comprehensive course, Ethics 101: Torah’s Universal Guidelines for Humanity. This course offers a deep dive into the spiritual and moral evolution of humanity, examining how Torah teachings shape our understanding of ethical behavior and human nature. Course Highlights: Historical Spiritual Refinement: Trace the journey of humanity’s spiritual development up to the present day, and understand how these advancements align with Torah teachings. Divine Intellect: Explore the concept of human intellect created in the "image" of God, and how this intrinsic connection influences ethical reasoning and behavior. Seven Noahide Laws: Delve into how these universal laws are inherently suited to human rationality and moral understanding, providing a framework for ethical living. Dimensions of Human Personality: Analyze the multifaceted aspects of human personality and how they relate to Torah ethics. Psychological Matrix: Examine the psychological dimensions of human behavior as understood through the Noahide Laws, and how these laws address psychological well-being. Civilization and Revelation: Study the impact of the Revelation at Mount Sinai on the development of human civilization and its ethical implications. Core Topics: Belief in God: Understanding the foundational role of belief in God in shaping ethical principles. Reverence for God: The importance of maintaining a respectful and reverent relationship with the divine. Human Sexuality: Torah guidelines on sexuality and their implications for personal and communal ethics. Essence of Justice: Defining justice through the lens of Torah, and its application in society. Prohibition of Killing: Examining the ethical and legal reasons behind the prohibition of taking life. Theft and Material Harm: Addressing the moral and legal dimensions of theft and harm to others' property. Treatment of Nature

אתם יכולים להצטרף לקורס הזה גם מהאפליקציה לנייד. עברו אל האפליקציה




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