Noahide Global Biblical Summit
qui., 04 de jul.
|Zoom Noahide Academy Room
The World Noahide Community Coming Together

Horário e local
04 de jul. de 2024, 15:30 – 17:00 GMT+3
Zoom Noahide Academy Room
Sobre o evento
Global Noahide Biblical Summit
July 4th 3:30 -5:00pm Israel Time On Zoom up to 500 Live Participants
Cameras may be ON from the beginning
Rabbis and Speakers from the Academy
Rabbi Moshe Perets,
Rabbi Baruch Simcha
Rabbi Yehouda Cohen
Rabbi Aaron Raskin
Rabbi Assaf Studnitz
Special Guest Rabbis
Rabbi Manis Friedman
Noahide Leaders
Gilbert Menoza
Leo Yuwono
Ovadiah Kumar
Kimche Kimani
Summit Agenda (1.5 hours)
Welcome and Opening Remarks (10 minutes)
- Rabbi Perets: Introduction
- Introduction of the Topic: Brief overview of the summit's theme: "The World Noahide Community Coming Together."
Panel Discussion (60 minutes)
- Introduction of Panelists (5 minutes):
- Briefly introduce each Rabbi and their contributions to the World Noahide Community.
- Panel Discussion (45 minutes):
- Rabbi Moshe Perets: Opening remarks and perspectives on the global Noahide movement.
- Rabbi Manis Friedman: The Noahides and Redemption
- Rabbi Aaron Raskin: Strategies for community building and engagement.
- Rabbi Baruch Simcha: Insights on the unity and collaboration within the Noahide community.
- Rabbi Yehouda Cohen: Discussing the challenges and opportunities faced by the Noahide community.
- Rabbi Assaf Studnitz: The future vision for the World Noahide Community.
- Interactive Q&A (10 minutes):
- Open floor for questions from the participants.
- Interaction and sharing of thoughts.
Break (5 minutes)
- Short intermission to allow participants to stretch and refresh.
Interactive Session (15 minutes)
- Group Discussion:
- Key takeaways and ideas for further community building.
- Feedback and Ideas Sharing:
- Representatives from each group share their thoughts and suggestions.
Conclusion and Closing Remarks (10 minutes)
- Summary of Key Points:
- Main ideas and insights shared during the panel discussion and interactive session.
- Closing Words by Panelists:
- Each Rabbi gives a brief closing statement.
- Thank You and Next Steps:
- Thank you to all participants for joining.
- Providing of information on how to stay connected and involved with the Noahide Academy of Israel for the World Noahide Community.
Rabbi Moshe Perets is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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