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Fundraising Campaign

for Eradicating Antisemitism and
Ensuring Global Security for the Jews 

with the Light-Unto-the-Nations World Wide Network Project

Fundraising Goal: $100 Million

Donate Now

For the secuirty of Jews

Thank you for your donation!

The Proble and the Solution

The Light unto the Nations Official Organization in Israel (Registration Number: 580619815) is committed to addressing the persistent challenges of antisemitism and enhancing the security of the people of Israel on both local and global scales. Our organization envisions a comprehensive, long-term strategy spanning months to years, extending across the lands of Israel, the United States of America, Europe, and beyond.


Recognizing the importance of evolving beyond historical sentiments of inferiority and fostering self-esteem, we believe it is imperative for the Jewish community to assume a leadership position on the world stage.


To secure the safety of Israel, the Jewish people must emerge as global leaders in ethics, exemplifying a stable system of values for nations worldwide. This vision is actualized through the dissemination of the 7 universal principles of Torah for humanity. Our leadership programs, boasting over 5000 representatives across 120 countries, play a pivotal role in advancing this mission.


Our primary objective is to establish a Center of Expertise in Israel, a hub where we will train dignitaries, government officials from diverse nations, and cultivate the next generation of leaders with an in-depth understanding of the Universal Code of Ethics.


To accomplish this transformative initiative, we seek to raise a total of $100 million. These funds will be allocated to constructing the Center of Expertise, designed to host groups of up to 500 people per week. Additionally, we aim to develop the highest quality training programs in the history of humankind.


In tandem, we recognize the crucial role of our global network of 5000 representatives. To empower them in disseminating knowledge, resources will be provided to ensure equitable distribution of the Universal Code of Ethics within their respective communities.


Your support is instrumental in fostering ethical leadership, ending antisemitism, and safeguarding the security of the people of Israel.


Join us in building a future where the principles of justice, compassion, and unity serve as the cornerstone of a safer and more harmonious world.

Aumentó $50 of $5,200 Meta

Todas las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos en Israel, EE. UU., Canadá y el Reino Unido.

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Apoyo a la campaña el Centro de Visitantes de la Paz Mundial Rey David en Jerusalén

gracias a nuestro1 partidario

Happy Children

From Beaten Jews to Leaders of the Future

Recognizing the importance of evolving beyond historical sentiments of inferiority and fostering self-esteem, we believe it is imperative for the Jewish community to assume a leadership position on the world stage.


Social Indicators Goals for 2025: A Vision for a Better Future

We embark on a transformative journey, setting forth ambitious social indicators for the year 2025. Our goals encompass a vision of a world where values, ethics, and universal principles guide humanity toward a harmonious and prosperous future.


1. Recognition of the Jewish People:

Objective: Achieve global recognition of the Jewish People as carriers of the Universal Guideline for the future of humanity.


2. Recognition of Israel and the Temple Mount:

Objective: Gain worldwide acknowledgment of Israel as the legitimate Land of the Jewish People and the Temple Mount as the site of the Third Temple, to be managed by the Jewish community as a House of Prayer for all Nations.


3. Preserving the Sanctity of Life:

Objective: Instill a universal commitment to the highest value—life. Advocate against euthanasia, abortion, suicide, and any compromise on the sanctity of life.


4. Family Unity and Stability:

Objective: Cultivate an environment where family unity thrives, leading to fulfilled husbands, wives, and children. Mitigate rising divorce rates by imparting the importance of commitment, fidelity, and selflessness within the family structure.


5. Economic Flourishing and Ethical Transactions:

Objective: Foster economic growth through a society proficient in ethical commercial transactions. End corruption at governmental levels by promoting adherence to principles that respect the dignity of all individuals.


6. Environmental Management and Respect for Nature:

Objective: Reinforce environmental stewardship by educating on the sixth commandment of respecting nature and animals. Provide detailed guidance on addressing natural resources, genetically modified organisms, and sustainable agriculture.


7. Justice and Judicial System Reform:

Objective: Cultivate a society where individuals feel a profound sense of justice. Advocate for the implementation of the Noahide Code in the judicial system, ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for all. Train judges worldwide to be fluent and knowledgeable in these laws.


Funding Goal: $100 Million for 25 Years of Impact:

We are seeking a transformative investment of $100 million to realize these ambitious goals over the next 25 years. This funding will support initiatives in education, advocacy, and training programs to create lasting change in societies globally.



Join Us in Shaping a Better Future:

Your contribution will be instrumental in creating a world where values, justice, and ethics guide the course of humanity. Together, let us pave the way for a future characterized by unity, understanding, and prosperity.


Donate Now to Shape the Future!

Thank you for choosing to be a part of this visionary journey towards a better world. Your support will leave a lasting impact on generations to come.

Happy Children

De Sión Saldrá Torá

Campaña de 200 Libros de Códigos Divinos

  • Ya queseptiembre 2018abrimos elCentro de Visitantes de la Paz Mundial Rey Davida la entrada de la tumba del rey David.

  • 10.000 turistas de media, vienen todos los días, de todo el mundo para visitar la tumba del rey David.

  • El rey David es uno defiguras más influyentes del judaísmoe inspira durante los últimos 3000 años a los judíos a venir todos los días de todo el mundo a Jerusalén para rezar y recitar salmos junto a su tumba.

  • Estado de la misión:Somos una organización sin fines de lucro (constituida legalmente en Israel y los EE. UU.) que brinda educación ética de la Torá universal judía tanto para judíos como para gentiles, mejorando el entendimiento y la relación entre Israel, el pueblo judío y las naciones del mundo (contribuyendo a la lucha contra antisemitismo a través de la educación).

  • Esto lo logramos a través deinteracción diaria con turistas en Israel, conferencias locales, experiencias audiovisuales, cursos en línea, libros mundiales y campañas de apoyo alimentario y más.

  • De este modo,nuestro objetivo y misión generales que toda la humanidad estará abiertamente conectada por su responsabilidad moral común con su Creador. Esta oportunidad para la unidad promueve la paz y la armonía entre todas las personas, con todos haciendo su parte para lograr el bien supremo: “la tierra se llenará del conocimiento de Di-s como las aguas cubren el fondo del mar” (Isaías 11:9).

  • Actualmente disponemos de 2 salones con capacidad para 45 personas cada uno.

  • Sala 1: World Peace Center: este es un centro de medios audiovisuales y una exposición sobre las Directrices de la paz universal, además de contener un Trono del Rey David diseñado especialmente.

  • Sala 2: Sala de Salmos: esta es una sala con un secreto de 3000 años de antigüedad construido durante el reinado del rey David, así como un Libro de Salmos único con 150 ilustraciones únicas de artistas de renombre mundial, etc.

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  1. Eradicating Antisemitism

  2. Ensuring Global Security 
    for Jews

With a click of your mouse

  • Or a push Enter on your keyboard you can tip the scales of the universe.

  • Use it for the good. Make a choice. Make the greatest choice. Jews love Jews.

  • Make sure your children will be Leaders in a World which is worth be led to something and no longer persecuted by not taking their responsibility, the choice of Leadership with the Universal Noahide Code of ethics for humanity.

  • Aline with the World’s Prominent Leader in site and online far reaching to the 5 continents and 8 Billion inevitable users!

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