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Noahide Ambassadors 101

  • 7 שלבים
  • 32 משתתפים
משלימים את התוכנית ומקבלים תעודה.
כל מי שישלים את כל שלבי התוכנית יקבל תג.


תשלום אחד
‏250.00 ‏$
Premium Membership
‏29.90 ‏$ / בחודש


Personal Training for Noahide Ambassadors. 7-Week Live Training Based on the 7 "Ambassadors" of Israel: Abraham, Isaak, Jacob, Moses, Aaron and Josef. A Noahide Ambassador is someone who observes and teaches the Seven Universal Moral Commandments of the Torah which were given to Israel so that they could teach them to the nations of the world. These same Universal Moral Commandments are also known as The Noahide Laws or The Noahide Code. A Noahide Ambassador is also the local resource for the knowledge and guidance in all matters regarding the Will of HaShem in context of the Universal Noahide Code. Goals: 1. To unite all Noahide Nations under G-d; 2. To establish a Global Coordinated Network of Noahide Ambassadors; 3. To establish an Activities Program such as education, social media, local talks, lobbying, etc; 4. To submit our activities and results to various Foundations in order to provide financial support for our Noahide Ambassadors; 5. To have an Embassy in each country. For Ambassadors to: 1. Have the foundational Knowledge and Training; 2. To Have Resources and materials; 3. Have contact with local Rabbi and The Academy; 4. Have a recognition form the government as a social worker; 5. Have a Program; 6. To access schools, hospitals and other local institutions; 7. To teach the Noahide Code in Education Programs;

אתם יכולים להצטרף לקורס הזה גם מהאפליקציה לנייד. עברו אל האפליקציה



דיון קבוצתי

הקורס הזה מחובר לקבוצה. אתם תתווספו אליה ברגע שתצטרפו לקורס.

Noahide Ambassadors

Noahide Ambassadors

Public57 חברי מועדון


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