Which New Soul Levels Can I Reach?
Get 50 Points for every Card you Retrieve!
How can you reach the Soul Levels?
By fulfilling each one one of the 10 " holy tasks" and publicizing them on the Academy by making a post on the Garden of Eden Group.
Level 1: Abraham Card
To be a member of the community;
To believe in the One G-d;
To inspire other people to study at the Noahide Academy;
To care deeply for his family;
To break new ground;
To be creative and bring innovations;
To be ready or to have been through a - letting all go – experience, at least once in his lifetime;
To have natural curiosity;
To search for answers in a sincere way (not with pre-conceived ideas);
No to be condescending with the social norms.
Level 2: Isaac Card
To volunteer in doing something no one else would want to do
To take initiatives
To stand up for the truth in a difficult situation
To study at appointed times
To enjoy a good meal with friends
To make one’s spouse extra happy
To be able to feel the miracle of life
To pray with determination for something which seems beyond reach
To be disciplined
To have a high sense of priorities
Level 3: Jacob Card
To honor one’s parents,
To be truthful
To be flexible
To be compassionate
To be faithful and persist
To express a dedicated love
To have balance
To manage and distribute the love
for family in a balanced way -
To have foresight
To be altruistic
Level 4: Moses Card
To be humble
To have empathy
To have an acute sense of others
To be determined
To count on his own efforts to bring in results
To have perseverance
To have strong faith and full trust
To have abnegation
To be capable of self-transform
To be able to step outside his comfort zone
Level 5: Aaron Card
To be a natural peace-maker
To love all creatures
To be patient
To be a beacon of inspiration for others
To be sensitive and kind
To be capable of compromise truth for the sake of peace
To be a facilitator of re-connecting others back to G-d’s Will
To be a good mediator or public relations
To be wise
To be sincere