Rabbi Tovia Singer and Rabbi Moshe Perets Establish a "Holy Bridge" to Help You Going out of X-tianity and Back into Torah!
Rabbi Moshe Perets
The Holy Bridge
Rabbi Tovia Singer and Rabbi Moshe Perets establish a "Holy Bridge" so you can go from "ch'ristianity" back into Torah and earn a place in the world to come together with the Jewish People.
Rabbi Tovia Singer
Rabbi Tovia Singer is a well-known counter-missionary who focuses on Judaic responses to ch'ristian claims, especially those targeting the Jewish community for conversion.
Here you are ten arguments, Rabbi Tovia Singer often uses to counter ch'ristian theological claims, from a Torah perspective.
The 10 Arguments Showing ch'ristianity's Falsity
The Concept of the Messiah: Judaism anticipates a human Messiah who will be a political leader and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, gather all Jews back to Israel, and usher in an era of peace. According to Rabbi Singer, J'esus did not fulfill these messianic prophecies during his lifetime, as the Temple was destroyed rather than rebuilt, and peace did not come to the world. (See here Rabbi Perets Video explaining Who is the Messiah according to Torah and Judaism)
The Virgin Birth: The prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 about a "young woman" is often cited by ch'ristians as a prediction of the virgin birth of J'esus. However, Rabbi Singer points out that the Hebrew word "almah" simply means a young woman of marriageable age, not necessarily a virgin, which would be "betulah" in Hebrew.
The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53: Christians often point to this chapter as a prophecy about J'esus. Rabbi Singer argues that this passage actually refers to the nation of Israel, which is collectively described as suffering due to the sins of the world. (See here Rabbi Perets Video explaining Isaiah 53:3).
Divine Incarnation: Traditional Judaism strictly maintains that God is incorporeal and does not assume human form. The idea of God becoming man, as in the ch'ristian concept of the incarnation, is viewed as contrary to Jewish theology. (See here for the 13 Principles of Jewish Faith).
The Trinity: The concept of the trinity is seen as a form of polytheism by traditional Judaism. Rabbi Singer argues that the Hebrew Bible consistently emphasizes the oneness of God, and any division of God into parts (father, son, holy spirit) conflicts with the Jewish understanding of divine unity.
The Crucifixion and Atonement: Judaism does not accept the idea that human beings require a divine intermediary to atone for their sins. Rabbi Singer emphasizes that the Torah provides a system of repentance and atonement through prayer, repentance, and good deeds, without the need for a sacrificial savior.
Changing the Law: Rabbi Singer argues that the notion that j'esus nullified or fulfilled the Torah, thus abrogating the Mitzvot (commandments), contradicts the biblical statement that the Law of Moses is eternal, as stated in passages like Leviticus 24:8.
Original Sin: The doctrine of original sin and the need for salvation through Jesus is not a concept found in the Hebrew Bible, according to Rabbi Singer. Judaism teaches that each person is born innocent, with the capacity to choose good or evil.
Textual Misinterpretations: Rabbi Singer frequently points out that the ch'ristian interpretations of Hebrew Scriptures often rely on mistranslations or out-of-context readings. He advocates for understanding the Jewish scriptures in their original Hebrew form and within their historical context.
No Prophetic Mention: According to Rabbi Singer, there is no direct prophecy in the Hebrew scriptures clearly and unambiguously predicting the coming of j'esus as the Messiah. He argues that the messianic prophecies cited by ch'ristian theologians are misinterpretations that do not hold up when the texts are read in their full Jewish context.
These arguments reflect Rabbi Singer's commitment to traditional Jewish interpretations of the Bible and his efforts to clarify Jewish beliefs to both Jews and misguided people who became labeled as "ch'ristians" who may be exploring these theological questions.
With these 10 arguments, we hope you are fully clear (if not here are some more videos from Rabbi Singer) and convinced that ch'ristianity is a man-made religion, has nothing to do with G-d and will never provide with salvation or a share in the world to come!
Now it is time for step 2 in your process of return:
The Holy Bridge Leading Back to the Original Writings, the Torah's Noahide Code

Rabbi Moshe Perets, president of the Noahide Academy of Israel, teaching world-wide the Seven Noahide Commandments for the past 15 years, emphasizes the universal applicability and spiritual benefits of observing the Noahide Code as an the original and authentic path to HaShem the G-d of Israel, for "those who are leaving ch'ristianity.
Here you are ten reasons I propose for why you should consider leaving "ch'ristianity" and start observing the Noahide Code today.
The 10 Arguments to Start Becoming an Observant Noahide Today
Argument 1: True Belief in G-d
Rabbi Perets brings that in Genesis 2:16 “And Lord God commanded man...” and as stated in the Jewish Oral Tradition in the Talmud (Tractate Sanhedrin 56b) it is referring to the 7 Universal Commandments from HaShem to all human beings, non-Jews or Gentiles (בני נח Bnei Noah or Noahides, descendants of Noah) and Jews (בני ישראל descendants of Jacob or Israel).
Six Commandments were commanded by G-d to Adam, the first man
1 . The Belief in the Unity of the G-d of Israel and the prohibition against worship of false gods;
2. To Honor the G-d of Israel and the prohibition against cursing G-d;
3. To Honor Life and the prohibition against murder;
4. To Honor Family and the prohibition against incest, homosexuality and adultery;
5. To Honor Others Property and the prohibition against theft;
6. To Establish Laws and Courts of justice.
Even though we have received all of these commands from Moses and, furthermore, they are concepts which intellect itself tends to accept, from the Torah's words that Adam was commanded concerning them.
The prohibition against eating flesh from a living animal was added for Noah, as Genesis 9:4 states: "Nevertheless, you may not eat flesh with its life, which is its blood." Thus these are the Seven Commandments.
These matters remained the same throughout the world until Abraham. When Abraham arose, he started teaching them to everyone who was ready to listen.
In the Mishneh Torah, Book of Judges, Melachim uMilchamot - Laws of Kings and their Wars - Chapter 8 Law 10
Moses was commanded by the Almighty to compel (expose the truth of HaShem's Seven Commandments for Humanity by teaching and explaining all of their implications including the reward in the resurrection of the dead) all the inhabitants of the world to accept the commandments given to Noah's descendants.
Argument 2: Universal Worship of G-d / No need for Conversion to Judaism
Isaiah 11:9 (cf. Habakuk 2:14): “…the earth shall be full of knowledge of G‑d as the waters cover the sea.”
Isaiah 40:5: “The glory of G‑d shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see together that the mouth of G‑d has spoken.”
Isaiah 52:8: “…for eye to eye they shall see as G‑d returns to Zion.”
Zephaniah 3:9: “For then I shall turn to the peoples a pure tongue that all shall call upon the Name of G‑d to serve Him with one consent.”
Isaiah 2:2-3 and Michah 4:1-2: “…The mountain of G‑d’s House shall be established at the top of the mountains and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it. Many peoples shall go and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of G‑d, to the House of the G‑d of Jacob, and let him [Mashiach] teach us of His ways and we shall go in His paths;’ for from Zion shall go forth Torah, and the word of G‑d from Jerusalem.”10
Zechariah 9:16: “…every one that is left of all the nations that came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to bow before the King, G‑d…”
Zechariah 14:9: “G‑d shall be King over the entire earth. In that day G‑d shall be One and His Name One.”
The Noahide Code is a universal set of ethical guidelines that applies to all humanity, promoting peace, justice, and morality. It offers a straightforward, universal ethical framework without the need for conversion to Judaism.
Argument 3: Direct Relationship with G-d
Zephaniah 3:9 says “All shall call upon the Name of G‑d to serve Him with one accord.” Observing the Noahide Laws fosters a direct and personal relationship with God, without intermediaries or the concept of a divine human. This aligns with the Jewish belief in an incorporeal and indivisible God.
Argument 4: Rational Spirituality
Isaiah 56:1 says “make the many meritorious, because they strengthen G‑d’s people in their faith, add hope and immense anticipation of the Divine Grace… (as they realize that) ‘My salvation is near to come and My righteousness to be revealed’.
The Noahide Code is grounded in reason and logic, encouraging adherents to engage with their faith intellectually. This rational approach to spirituality can be appealing for those who struggle with the supernatural claims of ch'ristianity such as the trinity and incarnation.
Argument 5: Inter-Inclusivity and Peace
The awareness and knowledge of G‑d will remove the narrow-minded dispositions that lead to strife and war. It will be an era of peace and harmony in the Holy Land and throughout the world:
Isaiah 2:4 and Michah 4:3 “…they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning-hooks. Nation shall not lift a sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any more.” [Michah 4:4 continues: “Each man shall sit under his vine and under his fig-tree, and none shall make them afraid…”]
Hosea 2:20 “…I shall break from the earth the bow, the sword and warfare, and I shall make them lie down securely.”
Zechariah 9:10 “…the bow of war shall be cut off, and [Mashiach] shall speak peace unto the nations…”
This new attitude of mankind will also be reflected in the animal world:
Isaiah 11:6-9: “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie with the kid, and a calf with a lion’s cub and a fatling together, and a small child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze, their young ones shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like cattle. An infant shall play over the hole of an asp, and the weaned child shall put out his hand over the eyeball of an adder. They will not harm or destroy on all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of G‑d as the waters cover the sea.”
Isaiah 65:25: “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like cattle, dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall not harm nor destroy in all My holy mountain, says G‑d.”12
The Noahide Laws are inclusive, inviting all of humanity to participate in a shared, ethical living without needing to adopt cultural or nationalistic identities, making it accessible to people of all backgrounds.
Argument 6: No Original Sin to carry
Ezekiel 37:23 “They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols and with their abominations and with all their transgressions…” and Zechariah 13:2 says “It shall be in that day… that I shall cut off the names of the idols from the earth and they shall no longer be remembered; and I shall also remove from the earth the [false] prophets and the spirit of impurity.” The Noahide belief system rejects the notion of original sin; instead, it teaches that every person is born with the potential to lead a righteous life through their actions and choices.
Argument 7: Simplicity of Worship, Prayer, Study and Good Deeds
Psalms 42:3,David says "My soul thirsts for the Lord, for the living God."
Psalms 8:4-5 says "When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your hands, ... I wonder what is man that You should be mindful of him?"
Job 19:26 says "From my flesh I perceive God" which means, "Through contemplating my body and its being kept alive by my soul, which together constitute an 'image of God,' I can gain understanding and perception of the living God Himself."
One of the ways to approach this, which is simple and easily accessible to human perception, is to contemplate God's existence through the analogy of the body and soul of a person.
The Noahide Code does not prescribe complicated rituals or sacraments. Worship is straightforward and focused on ethical living and the acknowledgement of one God.
Argument 8: Historical Continuity
The Noahide Laws are derived from the Torah and have been recognized from ancient times. This continuity provides a deep historical and spiritual heritage.
Timeline of G-d Given Seven Noahide Commandments at Mount Sinai, where He commanded them with specific details as part of the eternal Torah of Moses.
1st day / Ex. 19:1-2
The Israelite nation encamped at Mount Sinai, on the 45th day after God led them out in their exodus from slavery in Egypt.
2nd day / Ex. 19:3-8
Moses ascended to the top of Mt. Sinai to receive instructions from God, and then he descended. The Israelites agreed that they would obediently enter into the Jewish covenant, when they said, “Everything that God has spoken we shall do!”
3rd day / Ex. 19:8
Starting from “Moses brought back the words of the people to God” to Ex. 19:9 (up to … “and they will believe in you [Moses], also forever”). Moses then ascended Mt. Sinai again, reported to God, received His next instructions, and then descended.
4th day / Ex. 19:9
Starting from “Moses told the words of the people to God” to Ex. 19:14, and then the continuation skips to Ex. 24:1-4 through “Moses wrote all the words of God”. Moses ascended Mt. Sinai again to receive instructions from God, and descended to tell the people all the Divine laws that had been commanded up until that time.
The recounting and recording of the Seven Noahide Commandments by Moses took place at Mount Sinai on this day, two days before God spoke openly to the entire Jewish nation. In Ex. 24:3, it says “Moses came and told the people all the words of Go-d and all the laws…” Here, “all the laws” refers to the Seven Noahide Commandments and a few of the Jewish Commandments, all of which the Israelites had already been commanded before they arrived at Mt. Sinai. Moses told these commandments to the Israelites at Marah, after they crossed through the sea – see Exodus 15:25.
In Ex. 24:4 “Moses wrote all the words of God” means that at that time, he wrote down the Book of Genesis – that contains the verses which inform us of the earlier Covenant of made with Noah and the Noahide Commandments – and the Book of Exodus up to that point. Thus, God commanded upon the Jewish People that based upon the revelation at Mount Sinai, they would have the responsibility for preserving, publicizing and teaching the Noahide Commandments and all their details to all the individuals of all nations of the world for all generations.
5th day / Ex. 24:4
From “He [Moses] arose early in the morning…” to Ex. 24:11. This is the day that Moses built an alter, and read to the people the “Book of the Covenant”, the Book of Genesis, including the Seven Noahide Commandments, and part of Exodus up to that point.
6th day / Ex. 19:16-20:18, and Ex. 24:12-15.
God openly spoke 10 of the 613 Jewish Commandments to the people, and Moses then ascended Mount Sinai, to learn more of the Jewish Commandments from God for 40 days and 40 nights. Many of these Jewish commandments are recorded in Ex. 20:19 to Ex. 23:22.
Argument 9: Promotion of Justice and Charity:
Core values of the Noahide Code include the establishment of justice systems and the practice of charity, emphasizing societal well-being and support for the less fortunate.
Argument 10: Path to Preservation of Identity, Spiritual Fulfillment in this World and the Resurrection in the World to Come
For non-Jews, following the Noahide Code allows them to connect with the God of Israel while retaining their own national and cultural identities, avoiding the necessity of any irrelevant religious conversion.
Anyone who accepts upon himself the fulfillment of these Seven Commandments and is precise in their observance is considered one of "the pious among the gentiles" and will merit a share in the world to come.
This applies only when he accepts them and fulfills them because the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded them in the Torah and informed us through Moses, our teacher, that Noah's descendants had been commanded to fulfill them previously.
Rabbi Perets argues that observing the Noahide Code offers a meaningful path to spiritual fulfillment based on ethical monotheism, aligning with the divine will as revealed to Noah, which precedes and underpins all subsequent man made "fake religions".
These reasons highlight the benefits of the Noahide Code as a faith system that is authentic, ethical, rational, and universally applicable, providing a compelling alternative for those seeking the spiritual bridge out from ch'ristianity and into Torah, becoming a "Pious servant of G-d", a Righteous Noahide.

Here you are a Step-by-Step Guideline to begin your journey as a Torah faithful Noahide.
Step 1: Discover the Seven Commandments! Access and download the core principles here.
Step 2: Take the Noahide Declaration of Faith
Download your copy here to read and prepare for a live declaration with our Rabbis.
Step 3: Discover Your Noahide Journey Receive essential guidelines for your new path here.
Step 4: Understand the 13 Principles of Faith Download our comprehensive guide here.
Step 5: Get your List of the 90 Laws Derived from the Seven Commandments: Access your free list here.
Step 6: Check the first 10 Laws from the List of Torah Laws for Noahides
1. The belief in the One True G-d, the G-d of Israel;
2. The obligation to recognize and believe in the One G-d;
3. The obligation for a person to obey what he is commanded by G-d;
4. The belief and knowledge of Creation Ex-Nihilo;
5. The belief and knowledge of Divine Providence;
6. The obligation to fear G-d;
7. Contemplation of G-d;
8. Belief in the existence of the Creator, who is perfect in every manner of existence and is the Primary Cause of all that exists;
9. The belief in G‑d's absolute and unparalleled unity;
10. The belief in G‑d's non-corporeality, nor that He will be affected by any physical occurrences, such as movement, or rest, or dwelling;
Step 7: Enroll in Our Introductory Course for Free:
Start with the basics of the Noahide Life Path here.
For any questions please just reach out to us here on the chat, by email or by whats app message.

Rabbi Moshe Perets is the President of the Noahide Academy of Israel, Founder and Executive Director of NoahideAcademy.org, the world’s largest Noahide informational website. He accomplished his Rabbinical Studies at the Chabad Yeshiva and his medical studies at the University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium.
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