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The Seven Commandments Online Course

Course Overview & Outcomes


This course is for people who come from any religious background. It will first explain God's giving of the Torah to Moses and the Jewish people, which included the Seven Universal Noahide Commandments for all mankind. We will explore the ways that God uplifts mankind and any individual through these Seven Commandments, and the branches of personal and societal morality and ethics that logically branch out from them. To further understand this, the course will introduce the earlier origins of the Noahide Commandments, which can be found in the Book of Genesis. We will examine how they presuppose a belief in the One God from the perspective of Torah. We will also cover the related topic of true prophecy, including the unique and public Divine revelation to Moses during the assembly of the estimated three million Jews who experienced God speaking at Mount Sinai. We will highlight the rationale by which this leads to a faith based on knowledge.

The mission to perfect the world through the Seven Noahide Commandments was entrusted to Non-Jews as well when God gave the Torah. This course will make clear that everyone has the ability to help make God’s purpose and goal for creation a reality. Since Biblical times, a Non-Jew's search to live a life that is objectively moral and good is first and foremost founded upon the Noahide Code.


  • 5 Video Lessons

  • 5 Handouts

  • 5 Audio Lessons

  • 5 NEW Quizzes

  • 1 Certificate


You will receive a certificate of Course Completion if you pass with 80% or better, and special recognition if you pass with 100%.

In order to get your Certificate you may download it directly on your Profile page or you can send an email to: (you will receive it by email with the hebrew date).

This course is the prerequisite for our next course at the Intermediate level, on the Foundations of the Noahide Code.


  • Clearly understand the sources of the 7 Noahide Commandments.

  • Grasp the essential concepts of monotheism.

  • Understand the phenomenon of prophecy.

  • Understand the identifiable differences between false prophets and authentic prophecy.

  • Understand the authenticity of the revelation that occurred at Mount Sinai.

  • Understand the authenticity of the Torah (the Five Books of Moses with God's explanations), which was given by God through Moses.

  • Learn the fundamentals of the faith in one God which is taught in Torah.


Success in becoming a Hassid Umot HaOlam (Pious of the Nations of the World), and closer to your Creator by fulfilling His Will in an outstanding way!

A Hassid Umot HaOlam is a Gentile who earns eternal spiritual reward by accepting upon himself to fulfill his Seven Noahide Commandments, and observing them carefully because the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded them in the Torah through Moses our teacher.


Rabbi Moshe Perets is the Founder and Executive Director of, the world’s largest Noahide informational website. He accomplished his Rabbinical Studies at the Chabad Yeshiva and his medical studies at the University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium.

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