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Matthew's Awakening: Discovering the Manufactured Nature of christianity!

Noahide Weekly Podcasts

At the start of my journey it was difficult to articulate my words to people, I knew what I meant in my thoughts but to bring the words together without offending was another challenge. As I read the Torah everything would come together in my mind flowingly and eliminate what I had previously believed before. I figured I would continue reading to analyse what I had read that day and process everything in my thoughts. Yes, during this time I was very quiet! But at the same time it gave me a chance to watch people in what they’d say regarding religion, one’s view and idea and all I saw was the same response that a priest would teach, no thought of their own.

When I was little I looked up to my priest, he would teach philosophy of the new testament and I would listen, I was already an alter boy so only made sense to learn all that I can. I asked why couldn’t he get married? The vow of celibacy being 100% devoted to God. Years later turned out he had a family in secret and people judged him of course,  but I said “what’s wrong with him having family?” No one answered. He was a man, a males anatomy, created with enjoyment and love of a family. Hasn’t that been the story since the beginning? “Go out and multiple” goes to show you can’t go against what you are inside.... human.

Some people told me through the years that I had changed, one can hope for the better of course. Can’t be a slave to sin forever, there’s always a bill to pay at the end, as you know from my previous article. But not everyone could understand my journey, I was definitely laying the foundations within myself so nobody could steer me in the wrong direction.

Not to long ago I had a conversation with my five year son about faith, in my thoughts “How am I going to explain that!” result would be keeping it simple that related to him... “You know when daddy takes you to the indoor playground and they have rules” his response was “like how we have to take off our shoes” as I laughed “yes son, imagine the universe as God’s playground but there are rules, must love God and only God, you can’t take something that’s not yours, you can’t hurt people, be good to your family (obviously as he gets older go more into detail), follow the rules and be good to the animals” he had so many questions after this chat of ours, and now it’s a on going chat between a father and son, I tell him it’s our “man chat” between us. He loves it. I try to put my self in his position when I was his age, I had a lot of questions but like most of us we all got the same response “it is because it is” not to pass blame but perhaps they didn’t know how to explain or think we wouldn’t understand. I wish I knew these foundations earlier in life, would of saved me a lot of years of self repair, but maybe that was the point now, making that change. I used this analogy with a few of my friends and yet it made more sense to them then what they were taught. Of course I would go into more details but I would put it to ways that related to them.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth” ( Genesis 1:26 ).

God created us with love and happiness, with everything that we would ever need, nothing more nothing less, it doesn’t mention I’m sending a son for you to idolize, after all he didn’t create heaven and earth. But like an owner of a house in this case a “playground” we should respect the laws and rules, live life positively with all its adventures included. Even the simplest moment that can last forever like talking to my son about Hashem. After all we are the colors to his painting of his masterpiece.... the universe.

By Matthew Emmanuel Slovacek


Emmanuel is a Chassid Humot HaOlam who lives in Melbourne, Australia with his family.

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