Orach Chaim 2, Live Online Course for Bnei Noah on Sundays
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The 3 month Study Program Orach Chaim 2 – Way of Life leads to a Final Certificate And acknowledges you formally as Graduated in Orach Chaim 2 – Torah Laws for Noahide Life
Orach Chaim 2 – Way of Life for Noahides – Study Program
“Way of Life” is the fifth of the 7 Cycles of Torah Law Study for Noahides applicable today, compiled by Rabbi Moshe Winer. The other are “Orach Chaim 1”, “Yoreh Deah 1 and 2”, “Even HaEzer” “Choshen Mishpat 1 and 2.”
“Orach Chaim 2 for Noahides,” as the name implies, is the set of Laws guiding the behavior of a Noahide individual from the moment he or she wakes up in the morning till the time they go to bed.
Some aspects of Life that are covered in the “Orach Chaim for Noahides” are In The Prohibition of Blasphemy, Laws of Vows and Promises; Annulment of Vows and Promises, Vows Made According to the Public’s Understanding; In the Laws of Ever Min HaChay, Maimed or Broken Limbs;The Precepts Pertaining to a Foetus and to Eggs; Deriving Benefit from meat Severed from Living Animals; Cases with Doubt and Mixtures of Forbidden Meat; The Prohibition of Kidnapping; Stealing Enslaved People; The prohibition of Rape and the Laws of Taking Captives; Bodily Injury and Damaging Another’s Property; The Laws of a Delinquent Debtor and One Who Withholds Payment Owed to a Hired Person; In the Laws of Murder, The Prohibition of Causing Personal Injury or Damage; The Prohibition of Endangering Oneself or Another and the Obligation to Save a Person’s Life; The Prohibition of Embarrassing Another Person, evil Gossip and Tale-bearing.
The Orach Chaim 2 Certification is given to a Noahide who has studied and succeeded in the examination for this part of the Torah Laws for day-today life of a Noahide and acquires from this moment the Torah Status of a Chassid-Umot-Haolam (Pious of the Nations) and legitimately is part of the Jewish society ( in any part of the world, in a Jewish neighborhood or in Israel when the laws of Yovel are active).
Class/Date/Topic Program
13:15 - 14:15 (Israel Time)
Rabbi Yehouda Cohen
14:30 - 15:30 (Israel Time)
Rabbi Moshe Bernestein
15:45 - 16:45 (Israel Time)
Rabbi Baruch Simcha
Sunday 05.05.24
Lecture 1: Introduction to The Image of God Within Every Person; Perfection and Elevation of Mankind (Tikkun Ha'Adam); Perfection and Elevation of the World (Tikkun Ha'Olam)
Lecture 1: In The Prohibition of Blasphemy, Laws of Vows and Promises.
Lecture 1: Shoftim Deuteronomy 16:18–21:9 12.05.24
Lecture 2: The Gate of Knowledge of God; Recognition of God's; Existence and His Essential Unity ; Drawing Closer to God on a Personal Level; Explanations from Torah of God's Existence; God's Total Incorporeality and Unity
Lecture 2: Annulment of Vows and Promises, Vows Made According to the Public’s Understanding.
Lecture 2: Ki Teitzei Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19 19.05.24
Lecture 3: The Unity of God and His Powers; The Mistaken Belief in Independent Deities
Lecture 3: In the Laws of Ever Min HaChay, Maimed or Broken Limbs
Lecture 3: Ki Tavo Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8 26.05.24
Lecture 4: Divine Providence and Trust in God
Lecture 4: The Precepts Pertaining to a Foetus and to Eggs.
Lecture 4: Nitzavim Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20 02.06.24
Lecture 5: Bringing Recognition of God into One's Heart and Actions
Lecture 5: Deriving Benefit from meat Severed from Living Animals; Cases with Doubt and Mixtures of Forbidden Meat.
Lecture 5: Vayelech Deuteronomy 31:1-30
Lecture 6: The Gate of Prophecy from God; Centrality of Prophecy in the Foundations of Faith; The Concept of Free Choice
Lecture 6: The Prohibition of Kidnapping; Stealing Enslaved People.
Lecture 6: Haazinu Deuteronomy 32:1-52
Lecture 7: Various Levels of Prophecy ;The Prophecy and Torah of Moses; The Eternity of the Torah of Moses
Lecture 7: The prohibition of Rape and the Laws of Taking Captives.
Lecture 7: V'Zot HaBerachah Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12
Lecture 8: The Gate of Serving God; The Essence of the Service of God
Lecture 8: Bodily Injury and Damaging Another’s Property.
Lecture 8: Yehoshua (Joshua)
Lecture 9: Contemplation of the Seven Noahide Commandments and Lessons from the Hebrew Bible
Lecture 9: The Laws of a Delinquent Debtor and One Who Withholds Payment Owed to a Hired Person.
Lecture 9: Shoftim (Judges)
Lecture 10: The Value of Action, Intention and Happiness in Serving HaShem
Lecture 10: In the Laws of Murder, The Prohibition of Causing Personal Injury or Damage.
Lecture 10: Shmuel I (I Samuel)
Lecture 11: The Gate of Prayer to God; The Service of Prayer
Lecture 11: The Prohibition of Endangering Oneself or Another and the Obligation to Save a Person’s Life.
Lecture 11: Shmuel II (II Samuel)
Lecture 12: Prayer with Speech and Intention
Lecture 12: The Prohibition of Embarrassing Another Person, evil Gossip and Tale-bearing.
Lecture 12: Melachim I (I Kings)

Rabbi Moshe Perets is the President of the Noahide Academy of Israel, Founder and Executive Director of NoahideAcademy.org, the world’s largest Noahide informational website. He accomplished his Rabbinical Studies at the Chabad Yeshiva and his medical studies at the University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium.
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