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Is a Noahide Female Required to Cover her Head while Praying?

It used to be decent in many cultures for a woman to wear a head covering from the moment she was married. This was a clear sign to others that she was married and this covering is thus a tool to prevent adultery. Prohibiting adultery and thus respecting family life is 1 of the 7 Noahides Laws.

Although this practice of covering the hair has been largely abandoned in some modern societies, it is a good thing to follow and promote, especially for Noahides, as it is now associated with extra fashionsty and piety, above and beyond the logical reason which is also still very applicable.

Covering the hair can be through a headscarf, a hat, a hairband, etc. As long as it is visible. However, not too conspicuous as that would detract from the modesty one wants to show with it. Using a wig does not make sense as it is not a visible sign. So while it may rightly enhance her own feeling of piety and fashionsty before G-d, and it is certainly permitted, it may be lacking in the actual logical reason that is meant to be associated with her hair covering. Note that if a Noahide woman was married and then becomes single again by divorce or widowhood, the reason for covering her hair goes away.

Since the logical basis for covering the hair is to go adultery and to be fashionable, we arrive at the question of whether a Noahide woman should wear a head covering while praying.

Prayer should be given in an atmosphere of the fear and love of G-d and honour to G-d, . One should wear honourable clothing in a condition of modesty. As written above, it is fashionable for a Noahide married woman to cover her hair, so also during prayer.

For a non-married Noahide woman, it is not obligatory to cover the hair, but it is a good custom to do so during prayer, when pronouncing a blessing, when one is in a holy place (Shul, cemetery etc) or when attending a Jewish ceremony (brit, bar mitzvah, wedding etc) or being a guest of a Torah-observant family.

Brought By Angelique Sijbolts


Angelique Sijbolts is one of the main writers for the Noahide Academy. She has been an observant Noahide for many years. She studies Torah with Rabbi Perets every week. Angelique invests much of her time in editing video-lectures for the Rabbis of the Academy and contributes in administrating the Academy's website in English and Dutch. She lives in the north of the Netherlands. Married and mother of two sons. She works as a teacher in a school with students with special needs. And is a Hebrew Teacher for the levels beginners and intermediate. She likes to walk, to read and play the piano.



The Divine Code by rabbi Moshe Weiner


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