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What Is Structure of The Third Temple?

For "My house will be called a House of prayer for All the peoples” Isaiah 56:7.

The Third Temple not only a fulfillment  of ancient prophecy still very alive in modern Israel will display this ideal by welcoming all people from all Nations, Tribes and Tongues to worship the One God of Israel  who is the unifier of All things. Make no mistake, it is the One God of Israel, the Echad b’Echad, the One in the One, the God of the daily Shema prayed by Jews worldwide (and others at time) “Hear Oh Israel God, our God is One” (Deut. 6:4) . 

The God of Israel, the only true God is  the One God and Creator of All, who holds all the entire reality together who will be the Unifier of All Nations.  It will be God who will welcome all people near and far to come together in Unity to Worship in the Third Temple.

This will be the House of Prayer for all Nations which will be greater than any of the former Temples .  This Temple will not be built to display riches or stature, this Temple be will built by the very hearts of all people who wish to see Israel and Her people restored to the Davidic vision and promises of God.

However, it won’t be with a great pillar of fire nor a cloud of light by the night, it will be by and through the heart of those who will rise to the occasion against all odds that exist within themselves to choose love over hate and unity over division. The coined phrase Unity in Diversity will be seen as a perfect ground for respect of culture and religious difference in the search for truth  and the pursuit of happiness. After all, haven’t we read many stories over the course of history that shows us time and time again, our ways are not God’s and his thoughts way above the thoughts of man ( Isaiah 55:8-9)

King David, the young shepherd boy who became King was anointed and declared as one “most like the heart of Gd” and was given the promise of an everlasting dynasty of rule, reigning over the People of God because  “the Lord had sought out a man after his own heart” Samuel 13:14. While there are many traditions as to what this means even today the simplest way to understand this is that God desired a heart like his in order to establish his Kingdom.

Reading more into this we can say innocently that a pure heart is most like the heart of God who IS PURE. Often, pureness means innocence not necessarily intelligence. We see this in the laws of family purity, in modestly and in young children who do things that seem right to them but are often learning opportunities in life to understand discernment of the difference between right and wrong in the eyes of God.

Brought by Rabbi Moshe Perets


Rabbi Moshe Perets is the Founder and Executive Director of, the world’s largest Noahide informational website. He has established the Noahide Academy of Israel website under the non-profit organisation - אור לעמים - Light Unto the Nations since 2016. He accomplished his Rabbinical Studies at the Chabad Yeshiva of Brussels in 2011. He has a medical degree by the University of Louvain in Brussels as well a Masters in Biomedical Research by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has for the past years focused on Psychotherapy and developed a new approach: Deep Soul Therapy. He is a spiritual mentor, teacher, coach, and healer who has helped facilitate profound shifts for hundreds of people around the globe. His teaching activities at the Noahide Academy allowed students from all over the world to live passionate, purposeful lives, connect more intimately with G-d, and reveal the hidden light and power of their souls. Rabbi Moshe Perets lives currently in Israel with his wife and 5 children.


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