The Papas and the Mommas
By Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry

HaShem has wiped the world clean and started things anew with Noah and his small family. However, even with this new start, people quickly reverted to their old ways. But an individual would emerge who would lead the transition from chaos to enlightenment: Abram.
The simple purpose of the second half of Genesis or Bereishit is to reveal the exemplary leader and the other righteous individuals who formed the very foundation of the Jewish people.
The nickname for Genesis, Sefer HaYashar or Book of the Upright, reflects the book's purpose of relating the deeds of the patriarchs and matriarchs, who were its most upright personalities.
Remember Shem, Noah's son?
He had many sons and daughters after the flood. One of his descendants is a man named Abram. Abram hailed from Ur Kasdim, a rich city full of culture and art. His father Terach was a merchant in stone and wood images. As was the custom, Abram also worshipped these images.
Tradition has it that from the time he was a little boy, Abram wondered what powered the great celestial bodies. His intellectual honesty allowed him to notice that some unifying force gave everything in creation its boundaries.
G-d revealed Himself to Abram through His presence in nature. All Abram did was reason that behind all the plan and purpose there must be some heavenly intelligence. Abram did not have a father or mentor to teach him these truths. Instead, G-d imbued him with tremendous wisdom and intellect to understand that this beautiful intricate world must have a creator.
So great were Abram's faith and courage that he transformed the generation by his example and teachings.
In Chapter 11 of Bereishit/Genesis, we also learn that Abram is married to a woman named Sarai. She, too, will play a key role in the transformation of a generation.
Join us for our new course, 'Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians,' where we explore the profound and enduring connection between the soul path of Noahides and Jewish Converts to our Pappa and Momma of historical global influence, Avraham Avinu and Sarah Imenu.
Dive deep into the Hebrew Scriptures and explore their rich history and profound insights from a Jewish perspective. Join us on this transformative journey tailored specifically for women who are former Christians.

Course Duration: 12 weeks
Schedule: Tuesdays at 12:30 PM (New York Time) and 7:30 PM (Israel Time)
Start: Tuesday 16.07.24
Platform: Live on Zoom Academy
Instructor: Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry
Join us for this transformative 12-week course, "Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians." Engage in live, interactive sessions with Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya and explore the Hebrew Scriptures like never before.
Eliorah Chaya Parry

Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry is a dedicated educator living in Jerusalem, Mount Zion. As a teacher at the Noahide Academy of Israel, she specializes in guiding former christians in rediscovering the Bible through a Jewish perspective. Eliora Chaya's engaging teaching style and profound insights have inspired many to connect more deeply with their spiritual heritage.
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Shalom Chaya, I'm so glad you mentioned Shem, to whose tent (yeshiva) Avram went to learn. He was later Malkhitzedek that blessed him and passed the baton of Torah. So what was the Torah of Shem? Avram did not find or perceive HaShem in a vacuum. Shem is such a crucial player in all of this and yet he seems to get skimmed over between Noakh & Avram. His link in the chain and this significance to the Righteous of the Nations is a very key item, esp in today's socio-politico-religio environment. Are you familiar with The World of the Ger by R"Chaim Clorfene z"l & R"David Katz?