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Noahide Fellowship

Public·1133 members

Shalom everyone, my name is Efraïm. I live in the Netherlands and a follower and student of the Noahide Academy for a few years. I am Noahide, and when the opertunaty arises I make the people with interesse knowledge able of the NoahideLaws and 90 precepts.

Sarah Collins
Bruce Littlejohn
Yousef Rami
Samira Lopes Coelho
David Keller
Feb 27

Shalom Efraim, When we prayed together I got a more English feel from you, pleasure to know there is someone right next door, me being from Germany myself.



Where people who are new to Torah life Style can get connect...



  • 2 Oct Wed | 'Rosh HaShana 5785 for the World Noahide Community'

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