Do Not Turn To The Idols
Divine Code for August 16, 2022
Today: Pages 119-120
Topic 2:4 -- 2:6
All the books of deviant believers are forbidden to be read (except for specific purposes) for they are full of idolatry and denial of the True G-d.
It is obligatory to destroy them, so that there will remain no remembrance of idol worship and heresy.
The reason why one may not read the books of the deviant believers is because of the prohibition ''Do not turn to the idols,'' meaning that it is prohibited to contemplate how to serve their idols.
Reading schedule the Divine Code
Yesterday: Topic 2:1 - 2:3
Tomorrow: Topic 2:7 - 2:10
Brought By Sarah Bakker
Sarah Bakker is a blog writer and illustrator for the Noahide Academy. Raised with a traumatic childhood, she found the truth and has been a Noahide for many years. She uses her experience and the knowledge combined with her creative talents to teach others. Art, food, photography and music are some of her passions and likes to share it with the world.
The Divine Code
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