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Massei - What Are Life's Journey's?

Movement is one of the basic signs of life. The soul has the ability to vitalize the physical body and make it move in both physical and spiritual dimensions. The tendency for physical, mental, and spiritual movement exists in anyone. Every person wants to grow and progress. There is a rule that says that every living thing moves. This is certainly true of our service to God. We all have an urge towards self-perfection, and a willingness to go beyond ourselves and achieve fulfillment by developing a connection to the infinite source of all of us, our divine essence.

These concepts are reflected in this week's reading of the Torah, Massei. Massei means "journeys", and the reading counts the 42 different stages in the journey of the Jewish nation. It begins with the departure from the land of Egypt and ends with its entry into the Land of Israel.

These 42 stages in the journey are reflected in the life of every person. From the day of his birth which means his personal "Exodus from Egypt" to his entry into a high level in the service of God which is hinted in the expression "Jordan Jericho" the ultimate revelation of his soul. This whole journey through the desert is meant to reflect a constant spiritual growth and is made by the power given to us from heaven. Even those stages in our lives that seem negative have a positive meaning in their source.

Noah's sons can grow and reach very high spiritual levels. Our sages say that a Noahide who learns the 7 commandments can rise to the spiritual level of a high priest who enters the Holy of Holies! Of course, this is a life journey that includes stations of learning and strengthening with the 7 commandments of Noah. But this journey is highly rewarding and is even capable of bringing those who begin it to infinite ascension by learning and observing the 7 commandments of the sons of Noah.


Rabbi Moshe Bernstein is a writer and a Community Rabbi in Netanya, Israel. He believes in making connections between the Jewish People and the Noahides worldwide in order to share and enhance the knowledge of the Torah's Universal Code for Humanity and fulfil Isaiah's Prophecy 11:9 " And the world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the oceans".


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Jul 24, 2022

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