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  • Living in Biblical Times, Today.

    Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry Does the Tanakh contain passages predicting events that are unfolding before our very eyes? Does the enmity of the Arab world for the West and toward America in particular have something to do with the miraculous rebirth of the Jewish homeland and America’s embrace of it? There is probably no greater religio-political issue facing Bible believers, Jew and non-Jew alike, than whether or not the re-establishment of the State of Israel is portentous in light of Scripture. The hostility of Islamic fundamentalists toward Israel cannot be easily explained. Is there a Biblical source for this centuries-old conflict? How far will it go and how will it be resolved? These questions and many more are grist for the prophetic mill. How America fits into Biblical prophecy is a huge hot button as well. American history seems to be saturated with Jewish influence and disproportionate attention seems to be given to this significant minority. Does the Bible also forecast this phenomenon? As G-d said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” (Genesis 12:3) The second president of the United States, John Adams, declared toward the end of his life, “For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.” Harry Truman, the “Buck Stops Here” president, made good on Adams's best wishes by influencing his administration and the United Nations to approve the establishment of the Jewish State in 1948. Was the moral vision and clarity of these statesmen likewise predicted by Scripture? Or was it simply an issue of free choice? — Rabbi Aaron Parry, Torch of Truth: Family of Nations’ Guide to Hebrew Scripture from a Jewish Perspective . As I continue to update and expand upon his work, I am honored to share his wisdom with you all. In our upcoming ladies 12 week course The Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians we will share with you several fascinating passages that uncannily portend many historical events that have transpired and seem to loom heavily in the future. Enroll Now and Start Your Journey of Rediscovery! Course Duration : 12 weeks Schedule : Tuesdays at 12:30 PM (New York Time) and 7:30 PM (Israel Time) Start: Tuesday 16.07.24 Platform : Live on Zoom Academy Instructor : Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry Join us for this transformative 12-week course, "Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians." Engage in live, interactive sessions with Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya and explore the Hebrew Scriptures like never before. Rebbeztin Eliora Chaya Parry Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry  is a dedicated educator living in Jerusalem, Mount Zion. As a teacher at the Noahide Academy of Israel, she specializes in guiding former christians in rediscovering the Bible through a Jewish perspective. Eliora Chaya's engaging teaching style and profound insights have inspired many to connect more deeply with their spiritual heritage. © Copyright, all rights reserved. If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further. 's copyright policy .

  • Do You Suffer from Rip Van Winkle-like Amnesia?

    Dear Global Family, Anyone in our interconnected network of nations who hasn’t heard of the Bible by the time they’ve reached adulthood is suffering from Rip Van Winkle-like amnesia. However, being on the world’s bestseller list for the last 3,300 years doesn’t mean that most of humankind truly understands what's in it. Most books published on Holy Scriptures are written from the perspective of the intelligentsia, biblical critics, philosophers, or men and women of non-Jewish clergy.  Few, if any, singular works offer a uniquely Jewish perspective and overview of the entire body of Jewish Scriptures. (The best ones are mentioned in Appendix B in the back of this book.) From Abraham’s pioneering revelations in the Holy Land, Joshua’s vanquishing the Canaanites, and Samson’s epic battles with the Philistines; to the harpist King David's heartfelt pining for G-d in his Psalms, Solomon’s poignant parables and pithy proverbs, and Isaiah’s messianic visions, this Torch of Truth: Family of Nations’ Guide to Hebrew Scripture from Jewish Perspective humbly attempts to give you a taste of true Jewish Scripture. Language barriers tend to lead to misunderstandings, disputes, and even religious tensions. The source of Judaism, Hebrew Scripture, suffers from just such a barrier. Studying Scripture in the original Holy Tongue, Lashon HaKodesh is-indispensable for clear comprehension and proper context. I encourage you to find an appropriate teacher or course where you can master at least a working knowledge of biblical Hebrew. One other caveat: There are two basic approaches to a passage of Scripture. There are those who examine Scripture with the belief that “what you see is what you get.” Thus, if it is not implicit from the narration, then it is not part of the story on any level. This is a very superficial approach that leads to misconceptions and erroneous understanding. The other approach—based on a well-established tenet of Judaism—is that a Scriptural verse can be understood on several deeper levels that are only knowable from a carefully preserved oral tradition where context, linguistic nuance, and even Jewish law are all taken into consideration. My hope is that-you will find this work consistent with the concept that Jewish Scripture is like the proverbial iceberg. That is, the eye can perceive only 10 percent of the total mass, while the far greater portion is concealed beneath the surface. As King David said, “Your Torah judgments are always fair. They are firm like mountains, deep like the sea ....” (Psalms 36:7) Accordingly, even a book that attempts the daunting task of providing an overview is by force of circumstances offering only a glimpse of the real thing. If I have been successful in capturing the gist of the timeless wisdom of Jewish Scripture as portrayed by its holy prophets, then my limited mission will have been successful. It is nonetheless up to you to complete the task by delving deeper into the profound eternal treasures found in its exquisite depths. Rabbi Aaron Parry Enroll Now and Start Your Journey of Rediscovery! Course Duration : 12 weeks Schedule : Tuesdays at 12:30 PM (New York Time) and 7:30 PM (Israel Time) Start: Tuesday 16.07.24 Platform : Live on Zoom Academy Instructor : Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry Join us for this transformative 12-week course, "Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians." Engage in live, interactive sessions with Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya and explore the Hebrew Scriptures like never before. Eliorah Chaya Parry Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry  is a dedicated educator living in Jerusalem, Mount Zion. As a teacher at the Noahide Academy of Israel, she specializes in guiding former christians in rediscovering the Bible through a Jewish perspective. Eliora Chaya's engaging teaching style and profound insights have inspired many to connect more deeply with their spiritual heritage. © Copyright, all rights reserved. If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further. 's copyright policy .

  • A Letter from Rabbi Aaron Parry Za"L

    Shalom Mishpacha, It is with deep gratitude to the Noahide Academy of Israel, Rabbi Moshe Perets and Rabbi B for this opportunity and truly an honor and great privilege to teach from Rabbi Aaron Parry's z"l book, Torch of Truth: The Family of Nations' Guide to Hebrew Scripture from a Jewish Perspective , in our upcoming 12-week live ladies' class, Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians . The class will begin on July 16 at 7:30 pm Israel Time and will be held on Zoom by the Noahide Academy of Israel. My husband, of blessed memory, authored this book in 2005. Before his passing one year ago, we discussed updating and rebranding it. I am deeply honored to soon complete this project in his merit. The first class coincides with his first yahrzeit and will be dedicated to his memory. Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far. I am looking forward to learning with you and sharing this journey together. Below, I am sharing a letter my husband wrote for the inside cover of the original book, with only slight updates to reflect the relevancy of our new edition. Enroll Now and Start Your Journey of Rediscovery! Course Duration : 12 weeks Schedule : Tuesdays at 12:30 PM (New York Time) and 7:30 PM (Israel Time) Start: Tuesday 16.07.24 Platform : Live on Zoom Academy Instructor : Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry Join us for this transformative 12-week course, "Torch of Truth: Rediscovering the Bible from a Jewish Perspective for Former Christians." Engage in live, interactive sessions with Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya and explore the Hebrew Scriptures like never before. Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry Rebbetzin Eliora Chaya Parry  is a dedicated educator living in Jerusalem, Mount Zion. As a teacher at the Noahide Academy of Israel, she specializes in guiding former christians in rediscovering the Bible through a Jewish perspective. Eliora Chaya's engaging teaching style and profound insights have inspired many to connect more deeply with their spiritual heritage. © Copyright, all rights reserved. If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further.'s copyright policy .

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  • Noahidism | 7 Noahide Laws | Noahide Academy | Online Courses | Israel

    Noahide Academy PLUS Join Our Global Fellowship The Noahide Academy of Israel is the #1 online school specialized for each person seeking to fulfil the Will of God. Join 15 million Jews and 100,000 Noahides in the fulfilment of God's Will. Get Started Try our free courses. Cancel anytime. Watch Testimonials Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Play Video Get More Videos Get Your Place in The World to Come By studying the Torah in the right way here with us. Become a Member Now Study with the World Experts Take your first steps here with us to your new journey back into Torah Life-Style! Take My First Steps Upcoming Events Multiple Dates Second Noahide Global Biblical Summit When Aug 11, 2024, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Where Zoom Noahide Academy Room Register Now Explore Our Online & Live Courses First Steps Course Start for Free Noah's Ark Secrets Start for Free Foundations of Faith Start for Free By taking our courses you will get points which you may use for our Garden of Eden game and enter our annual raffle. This time, for real, get your share in the world to come! Our Rabbis and Mentors Rabbi Moshe Weiner Head of the Academy Rabbi Moshe Perets President of the Academy Rabbi Tovia Singer Outreach Judaism Rabbi Michael Skobak Jews for Judaism Get Started How to Navigate our Website? Get Started Sign Up to create your free account; Log In to start your first course; Phone access with our App; Take your first 6 steps and get the free docs; Take your first free course here; Enter the online courses page; See below the FAQs ; Contact us here or with the chat box; Start a Membership here. You may sometimes experiment a short delay in the charging of our website's pages as we have a lot of courses and students taking our courses so we ask you to be patient and contact us if you have any trouble or questions. Thank you. Frequently Asked Questions What is a Noahide? Should I Convert to Judaism? How Can I Start for Free? Numbers What is a Noahide? A Noahide, also known as a Bnei Noah (Sons of Noah), refers to a person who follows the Noahide Laws or the Noahide Code. These laws are a set of ethical and moral principles derived from the Bible, particularly from the covenant made with Noah after the Great Flood. Noahides are individuals who adhere to these universal principles, which are considered to be binding on all of humanity, regardless of their religious beliefs or cultural backgrounds. Watch the Video You can start here Take your first free Course. ​ Start Here! No. You do not need to convert to Judaism ​ ​ Watch the Video 806 Students Strong 12 Rabbis 45,000 Members World-Wide 36 Countries 22 Courses 3 Year Master's Degree 62 Noahide Communities 1024 Articles Published Get Started

  • Wisdom Levels | Noahide Academy

    Which New Soul Levels Can I Reach? Get 50 Points for every Card you Retrieve! How can you reach the Soul Levels? By fulfilling each one one of the 10 " holy tasks" and publicizing them on the Academy by making a post on the Garden of Eden Group. Level 1: Abraham Card To be a member of the community; To believe in the One G-d; To inspire other people to study at the Noahide Academy; To care deeply for his family; To break new ground; To be creative and bring innovations; To be ready or to have been through a - letting all go – experience, at least once in his lifetime; To have natural curiosity; To search for answers in a sincere way (not with pre-conceived ideas); No to be condescending with the social norms. Reach Abraham's Soul Level Level 2: Isaac Card To volunteer in doing something no one else would want to do To take initiatives To stand up for the truth in a difficult situation To study at appointed times To enjoy a good meal with friends To make one’s spouse extra happy To be able to feel the miracle of life To pray with determination for something which seems beyond reach To be disciplined To have a high sense of priorities Reach Isaac's Soul Level Level 3: Jacob Card ​ To honor one’s parents, To be truthful To be flexible To be compassionate To be faithful and persist To express a dedicated love To have balance To manage and distribute the love for family in a balanced way To have foresight To be altruistic Reach Jacob's Soul Level Level 4: Moses Card To be humble To have empathy To have an acute sense of others To be determined To count on his own efforts to bring in results To have perseverance To have strong faith and full trust To have abnegation To be capable of self-transform To be able to step outside his comfort zone Reach Moses's Soul Level Level 5: Aaron Card To be a natural peace-maker To love all creatures To be patient To be a beacon of inspiration for others To be sensitive and kind To be capable of compromise truth for the sake of peace To be a facilitator of re-connecting others back to G-d’s Will To be a good mediator or public relations To be wise To be sincere Reach Aaron's Soul Level Level 6: Joseph Card To be modest To be faithful To be sensitive to dreams interpretation To have a great strength of character To be attached to his loved ones To have great management skills To be a visionary Not to hold a grudge Not taking revenge To provide for other’s needs Reach Joseph's Soul Level Level 7: David Card To never judge by appearances Just because no one did it, does not mean it cannot be done To think outside the box To be emotional To never forget about G‑d Not to worry about what others may think To accept rebuke Not to get stuck trying to undo the past To be a loyal friend To be humble Reach David's Soul Level

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